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Inventory Items — Unit cost — Recalculate

This guide explains how to recalculate the unit costs of your inventory items in Manager.

Accessing the Recalculation Feature

To recalculate unit costs for your inventory items, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Inventory Items tab.
  2. Ensure the Unit Cost column is visible:
    • If you don't see the Unit Cost column, use the Edit Columns feature to display it. For more information, see Edit Columns.
  3. Click the Recalculate button located above the Unit Cost column.

Alternatively, the Recalculate button is also available when drilling down into the Inventory on hand account:

  • Go to the Summary tab or open financial statements such as the Balance Sheet, Trial Balance, or General Ledger Summary.
  • Click on the Inventory on hand account to drill down.
  • The Recalculate button will be visible at the top of the screen.

Performing the Recalculation

When you press the Recalculate button, Manager will:

  • Calculate the unit cost for each of your inventory items.
  • Present updated Unit Cost values if any changes have occurred since the last recalculation.

To apply the recalculated unit costs:

  1. Review the updated Unit Cost values presented.
  2. Click the Batch Update button at the bottom of the screen to accept and save the changes.

No Changes Detected

If the recalculated unit costs are the same as the current ones:

  • A message stating All values are up to date will appear.
  • Click the Go Back button to return to the previous screen.

By regularly recalculating unit costs, you ensure that your inventory valuations are accurate, reflecting the most recent cost information.